We Fished the Tweed

So last year I posted about winning this prize and Janessa and I have just got back from claiming it. To say that all our wildest dreams have been fulfilled is to put it mildly.

This post will be about the Fishing trip and a later one will deal with the rest of the trip.

We were collected from our hotel in Peebles by Stewart of Alba Game Fishing fame and his awesome dog and taken to the first spot on the Tweed in the middle of a beautiful forest. Right from the start we were totally at ease with Stewart who had us laughing and totally enthralled by his knowledge of fly fishing/fishing in general.

We arrived at the spot and my first surprise was to be handed the most beautifully balanced and delicate 5 weight Orvis fly rod. It felt like an extension of my arm and I have never had the privilege of experiencing such finesse in a rod. Orvis have excelled themselves!

Stewart getting the rod ready
Stewart getting the rod ready

Next was as great a surprise as we were giving a wee dram to loosen our casting arm. The day was getting better by the moment!

Tweed Cheers
Tweed Cheers

We then proceeded down to the river and with expert coaching we were fishing in minutes. Stewart must be the best coach and teacher Scotland has, because it was effortless following his directions and correcting our casting techniques.

The lady can cast
The lady can cast
Me very happy, bucket list moment
Me very happy, bucket list moment

And we did catch fish, Janessa being first to get one. All in all we must have had over ten each.

We did catch fish
We did catch fish
So happy, moving on to lunch
So happy, moving on to lunch

So come lunch time and we moved on to a spot in a meadow, above where we were fishing and once again Stewart surpassed all of our expectations. We were asked to sit and relax whilst we were served red wine, and Stewart laid out a table and made lunch – Lamb Tagine with Basmati rice. As those who know me will attest to, I am passionate about good food and all I will say is that Stewart is an excellent chef as well as all his many other talents.

Our lunch view
Our lunch view
Great wine and view
Great wine and view
Lamb Tagine and Basmati rice
Lamb Tagine and Basmati rice
This was lunch
This was lunch

After a relaxing lunch we moved on to two more spots for the rest of the afternoon, ending off on a stretch of Tweed Stewart cut his teeth on as a teenager. It was beautiful and a fitting spot to end a great day.

It was a great day
It was a great day
Great end to a fantastic day
Great end to a fantastic day

By this time my arm could not swing another cast, and Stewart took us back to our Hotel in Peebles.  We slept very well that night, having spent the day in the company of one of Scotland’s finest Gillies. Stewart, you spoilt us rotten – Thank you

……. and thank you Fish Pal for running the competition

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